Current & Upcoming Events
Early 2024
September 2024 – Pastel Society of America PSA Portrait Workshop, New York, NY. Dates coming soon. February 2024 – PASTEL 100 Artists Network Magazine, Honorable Mention, Portrait and Figurative Category January 2024 – Advanced Life Drawing Class at the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts
October 2023
National Exhibition for the Iowa Pastel Society. "Eli, Drawing From Life” and "Full Pink Moon at 18”, Second Place Award Художник Carol Peebles – Russian article on Carol Peebles' work. International Exhibition of the Appalachian Pastel Society “Cindy”, Exceptional Merit Award and "Offering” 2023 National Exhibition of the Degas Pastel Society, "Alan Flattmann En Plein Air” and “Charlotte’ New Orleans Drawing Group Member's Exhibition to November 5th; Carol Peebles, Judge of Awards. Arabi Visual Arts, 6707 St. Claude Avenue, Arabi LA The 11th Master Circle Division of the International Association of Pastel Societies Exhibition. "Coming Of Age" The New Orleans Art Association National Show 2023 “Naasir Dreaming Of Home" First Place Award National Exhibition of the Chicago Pastel Painters 2023 – “Harvest Moon:A Harvest Within” and “Sagittarius”
September 2023
International Exhibition for the Pastel Society of America, NY, NY. “The Devil Waits Behind You”– won the “Armadillo Award" National Exhibition for the Southwest Florida Pastel Society. “Moonset” and “Zibby”– won 2nd Place Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine Features the Blue Easel Club in their article: “Ateliers Now: Some Top Places to Train” Faculty Exhibition at the Academy Galleries, for the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, Several works exhibited.
August 2023
International Exhibition for the Pastel Society of the West Coast: Pastels USA 20233: 99 Voices in Pastel The Haggin Museum, California: “No Where To Be But Here” – won 2nd Place in Contemporary Realism “Pratique des Arts” Magazine in France, featured Carol’s work, process and Atelier, the Blue Easel Club Cahier spécial PASTEL 66 – Pratique des Arts features the Blue Easel Club as one of the top places to take art lessons in New Orleans National Exhibition for the Pastel Society of Alaska “Self With Sun And Wind” exhibited Commissioned by Tulane University to Paint the Head of Ophthalmology, Dr. Caldwell, life–size oil. Now on display at Tulane. National Exhibition for the Pastel Society of Southern California, exhibited “20/20 Twilight” Featured Article in “” about the painting “Happy Chocolate City”
March 2023
International Association of Pastel Societies 10th Master Circle Division– won Certificate of Excellence with “Drawing Is A Meditation” Portrait Society of America features the painting “Dreaming of Home” in their Members’ Spotlight Hartley Invitational at the Salmagundi Club on 5th Ave in NYC, opening March 16, 2023. This exhibition brings together some of the most eminent contemporary realist artists from around the world– exhibited “Dreaming of Home”
February 2023
Salmagundi Club Annual Black & White Exhibition, 5th Avenue New York. Exhibited drawing: “Academy Demo From Life – Alice”
January 2023
International Exhibition for the Pastel Society of Alaska – Exhibited: “Watching Over Her” Eric Rhoads hosts Carol Peebles on “Art School Live” with her lesson on how to achieve a likeness in a Portrait without drawing the features. A free online lesson:–tQ7v4rJOmM Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine Features the painting “Dreaming of Home” in their article on drawing The Salmagundi Club, NY, NY, features the painting “A Harvest Within” in their National exhibition Time Of Day. Absolutely honored to be invited to participate in "Pastel World 2022", the 3rd China Zhuhai International Pastel Invitational Exhibition and the 8th Zhuhai Shutong Art Pastel Invitational Exhibition that now open until December 30, 2022, at Lian Yiqing Pastel Painting Art Museum, Wanchai Civic Art Center, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City, China. A total of 82 pastel paintings were selected for this International exhibition. My pastel work "Watching Time Stand Still" (referencing how we felt during quarantine) is now displayed at this exhibition. 珠海市香洲区粉画学会
Past Events
Dec 2022: Honored today to discover this piece, "Home," has been awarded 8th place in the International Exhibition of Société de Pastel de l'Est du Canada (PSEC), featuring 149 works from 19 different countries in their "Pix Pastel 2023"! This is my friend, Naasir, dreaming of home, demo from life for Blue Easel Club Drawing Atelier. Excited to have the piece, ”Blue Easel Club Life Studio with Vin Rouge" included in the Salmagundi Club, NY exhibition “Lineage: Generations of Realism" about artists who are continuing the tradition of Realism and drawing from life, Nov 20–Dec 10. Oct 2022: Excited to be invited to teach at “Realism Live” with Eric Rhoades Today I found out that I have been honored with an Award of Merit at the National Pastel Showcase Exhibition of at the Salmagundi Club of NYC on Fifth Avenue, with the piece “Life Drawing at the Blue Easel club with Tomahawk" Thrilled to announce that my drawing, "She/Her" is SEMI–FINALIST in the 16th International ARC Salon. Arguably the best competition in the world of Realism from all genres. I'm especially happy because it is accepted in the category of "Fully From Life" which is what my Blue Easel Club Drawing Atelier is all about, drawing from the live model. This competition received over 5,400 entries this year from 75 countries. Honored to have this piece,"Nowhere To Be But Here," selected out of 876 submissions for the International Exhibition of The Pastel Society of North Carolina. Honored to win First Place in the National Exhibition for the South West Florida Pastel Society, with this piece, "Drawing Together II, with Alice". It is a demo from life for Blue Easel Club Drawing Atelier. So honored to win 1st place in the National Exhibition for the Art Guild of Louisiana, River Road 52nd Annual, with this piece,"Quarantine Zen Masters." It is part of a series on quarantine and how we were all looking at time differently. Honored to have this piece,"Life Studio At The Blue Easel Club with Kate" awarded the "Ruby Kossow Award" in the International Annual Exhibition of the Pastel Society of America: Enduring Brilliance at The The National Arts Club in NYC,New York. On view Sept 12-Oct 6, 2022. Honored to have this piece,"Life Studio At The Blue Easel Club" awarded the "Ruby Kossow Award" in the International Annual Exhibition of the Pastel Society of America: Enduring Brilliance at The The National Arts Club in NYC,New York. On view Sept 12-Oct 6, 2022. Aug 2022: Honored to have this piece, "Do Less, Breathe More." (Inspired by yogi AC Lambeth who teaches me how to do both) chosen for the Great Lakes Pastel Society National Exhibition. With 418 pieces submitted to the show, and only 100 accepted, it is a great honor to have 2 pieces selected. Honored to receive 1st place in the National Exhibition for the Great Lakes Pastel Society. With 418 pieces submitted to the show, this is a great honor. Honored to do a demo/lesson for the International online course in “Pastel Live” with Eric Rhoads Honored to be featured in “Master Pastel Artists” on YouTube Honored today to have my piece, "It Was In You All Along” and "Motherhood", chosen for the National Exhibition for the Pastel Society of Southern California. With a record of 494 submissions, I'm happy to make the final cut and show along with so many talented artists. Jul 2022: Honored to exhibit this piece in the National Exhibition for Life Drawing at the Salmagundi Club ,47 Fifth Ave at 12th Street, New York, NY. This is a demo from life for Blue Easel Club Drawing Atelier where I was trying to capture the feel of a life classroom more than the model. A recurring theme which makes me so happy. Thrilled to be invited to exhibit this piece, “He/Him” at the #SalmagundiClub on 5th Avenue in NYC, Aug 8-25 with their juried show on drawing from life. This is a demo from life for of my friend Robert Starnes. The show includes some of my favorite contemporary artists working from life and I feel honored to show with them at this historic venue. Honored to have Gail Sibley write an article on my work as I prepare to be a part of the international Pastel Live in August:–peebles–connection.../… Honored to have this piece," She/Her" exhibited on 5th Avenue in NYC at the Salmagundi Club's juried exhibition on drawings and prints. This is a demo from life for the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts. So very honored to be invited to be a part of the Allied Artists of America, an historic organization dedicated to the advancement of American Art. Jun 2022: Honored to be teaching a workshop and doing a demo at the International Association of Pastel Societies Convention in Albuquerque, NM. Truly honored today to find out I received the "Jane Impastato Award" in the National 138th Salmagundi Club's Annual Members Exhibit Salmagundi Club, 47 5th Avenue, New York, NY. With the piece: “Transformation" This very special exhibition will be on view in NYC May 16–June 9. Honored to see that this piece, "Slowly Letting Go," won an award and is juried into the Allied Artists of America elected members Exhibition 2022, May 15 2022–2024 featuring some of my favorite contemporary artists May 2022: Honored, so happy to have the piece “Butterfly" juried into the National Juried Member Exhibition for the Red Rock Pastel Society of Nevada . A demo from life for Blue Easel Club Drawing Atelier, this piece is about a big transformation in my life in the last year. Apr 2022: I am very honored to have my article on pastels portraits and drawing from life featured the International Magazine, Pastel World, the first edition, published by Macau Inter Culture Limited. This edition has featured many renowned pastelists' works and articles from around the world. So happy to write an article on drawing from life! I am truly grateful to be part of this publication. To purchase a copy, please message Macau Interculture or Pastel world Magazine for the ordering details. Honored to be interviewed by Daria Jamison with the Red Rock Pastel Society of Nevada available on YouTube:–3vVNhI2DFA March 2022: The Salmagundi Club of NYC presents its Spring Auction April 8-9, live and online. All works will be on exhibit in the Skylight Gallery at the club through April 9. Amazingly, these auctions have operated continuously since the late 1870s! My piece will be amongst those auctioned on the 9th beginning at noon EST. "Blue Easel Club Life Studio" was awarded an honorable mention in the 23rd Annual International Competition for pastels, "Pastel 100" of Pastel Journal. I'm especially happy because the subject matter is my Atelier,, where my students are drawing with me. Feb 2022: Thank you to the Salmagundi Club for the "William D. Zahn Memorial Award" in the 145th Annual Black & White National Exhibition for my piece "Pandemic Life Studio." The Club, located at 47 Fifth Avenue @ Twelfth Street | New York, NY, is one of the oldest art institutions in America, dedicated to continuing the tradition of realism and working from life. I'm inspired by all they do and try to reflect that in my Blue Easel Club Drawing Atelier. The piece,”Patek-Philippe Double Moon” is featured in the Portrait Society of America Member Newsletter Jan 2022: "Pandemic Life Studio" demo from life. Honored that this piece has been awarded the "William D. Zahn Memorial Award" and is exhibited at the historic Salmagundi Club 's Black and White annual exhibition, located at 47 Fifth Avenue @ Twelfth Street | New York, NY, January 31, 2022 thru February. Honored to have this piece, "Where The Party Is," accepted into the 145th Annual "Black and White Exhibition" at the Salmagundi Club on Fifth Avenue in NYC, New York, January 31-February 25, 2022. A demo from life for Blue Easel Club Drawing Atelier, of my friend Brad d'Artagnan Wilkins. I'm feeling so honored today to find out that this piece, "2020," was accepted into the National Exhibition, "Tonalism Today," at the The Salmagundi Club at 47 Fifth Avenue in New York City! January 31-February 18, 2022. I created this piece during 2020 when I was actually waiting out both a hurricane AND quarantine. What a time!
Sotheby's New York, The Art Renewal Center's International Salon Exhibition July 2021 The European Museum of Modern Art, MEAM, Barcelona Spain, The Art Renewal Center's Salon Exhibition October-December 2021 The Zhou B Art Center, Chicago, Il, IAPS, International Association of Pastel Societies June-July 2021 The Salmagundi Club, 5th Ave, New York, Open Juried International Exhibition, July 2021
Allied Artists of America 107th National Exhibition, Aug 2020-Aug 2021 Zhuhai International Invitational Pastel Exhibition, Xiaohui Zhang, Guangdong province, China Nov 2020 The Pastel Society of America Internationally Juried Exhibition: Enduring Brilliance The National Arts Club, 15 Grammercy Park South, New York, NY Annually Sept-Oct of 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016 2020 National Great Lakes Pastel Society Exhibition, Aug 20-Oct 17, 2020 Cincinnati Art Club National Competition “Viewpoint 52”, Sept 11-24, 2020 Art Design Consultants, 2124 Madison Rd, Cincinnati OH 2020 International Pastel Society of Colorado Exhibition, Oct 1-31 Mary Williams Fine Arts Center, Boulder CO 2020 International Pastel Society of Maine, Sept 2020 2020 International Pastel USA, Pastel Society of the West Coast, August 2020 2020 National Exhibition “Breathing While Black”, Sept-Oct, 2020 University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Augusta Savage Gallery, 2020 International “Make Your Mark” Pastel Society of Southern California, August 1-30, 2020 2020 “Marks of Distinction” National Central Mass Pastel Society Exhibition July 2020 2020 National Adirondack Pastel Society Exhibition, June 2020 2020 National Pastel Painter’s Society of Cape Cod, June 2020 2020 International Pastel Society of North Carolina, September 2020 2020 National Southwest Florida Pastel Exhibition, September 2020 2020 National Mid America Pastel Society Exhibition, October 2020 2020 National Connecticut Pastel Society 27th Annual Exhibition, October 2020 2020 National Pastel Society of New Mexico 28th Annual Exhibition, November 2020 2020 International Pastel Society of Oregon Exhibition, October 2020 2020 National Pastel Society of New Hampshire, November 2020 2020 International Pastel Society of Southeast Texas Exhibition, November 2020 Jan 2020 Work published in Northlight Books, Strokes of Genius 11: Finding Beauty The Portrait Society of America's International Competition, "Select 50" 2020, Finalist 2019, Exceptional Merit Award
The Art Renewal Center's International Competition, Finalist 2019 Nov 2-26, 2019 – The Academy Galleries, An exhibition of drawings: The churches and synagogues of New Orleans. Opening Saturday, Nov 2, 6-8pm New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, 5256 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70115 Sept 5-30, 2019 The National Arts Club, Pastel Society of America's Internationally Juried Exhibition "Enduring Brilliance", 15 Grammercy Park South, New York, NY 10003 Dec 2019-Mar 2020 The Butler Institute of American Art Exhibition with the Pastel Society of America, 524 Wick Avenue, Youngstown, OH 44502 Oct 8-Nov 3, 2019 The New Orleans Art Association Nationally Juried Exhibition The New Orleans Art Center, 3330 St. Claude Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70117 Apr 25-28, 2019 Finalist in the Portrait Society of America's International Competition. "Exceptional Merit Award" Recipient. Exhibition on view at the Convention in Buckhead, Atlanta, GA. Apr 2019 Feature Article in the magazine Pastel Journal for having won the Ruth Richeson Gold Award in the Internationally Juried Competition "Pastel 100"
Dec 2018-Jan 2019 – The Academy Galleries 40th Anniversary Faculty Exhibition for the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, 5256 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA Nov 1-30, 2018 The International Association of Pastel Societies Internationally 33rd Juried Online Exhibition Oct 27-28, 2018 – Join me in New York City at the National Arts Club with the Pastel Society of America for a 2 day workshop on Pastel Portraits. To see details and sign up, visit Oct 1-28, 2018 The Academy Galleries, The New Orleans Art Association Nationally Juried Exhibition 5256 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA Oct 1-30, 2018 The Hammond Regional Art Center, The Degas Pastel Society Internationally Juried Exhibition, Hammond LA Sept 5-30, 2018 The Louisiana State Archives Gallery, The 49th Annual River Road Nationally Juried Exhibition, 3851 Essen Lane, Baton Rouge, LA Sept 5-30, 2018 The National Arts Club, Pastel Society of America's Internationally Juried Exhibition "Enduring Brilliance", 15 Grammercy Park South, New York, NY 10003 Sept 5-30, 2018 The Academy Galleries, The Dialects of Mysogyny: A Nationally exhibit curated by Saskia Ozols, 5256 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA Mar 16-Apr 30, 2018 The American Art Company, Tacoma, WA, The International Association of Pastel Societies 32nd International juried Exhibition Jan 5-Feb 15, 2018 The Academy Galleries, Faculty Exhibition, 5256 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70115
Jun 7-10, 2017 The International Association of Pastel Societies' International Juried exhibition, 800 Rio Grande Blvd., Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104 Mar 4-31, 2017 The Academy Galleries, The National Juried Annual for the New Orleans Art Association, 5256 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70115
Sept 6-30, 2016 The National Arts Club, The Pastel Society of America International Juried Exhibition, 15 Grammercy Park South, New York, NY 10003 (opening reception Friday Sept 23) Jun 6-20, 2016 The Salmagundi Club, The International Association of Pastel Societies Juried Exhibition, 47 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003 Oct 1-30 2016 Academy Galleries, The Degas Pastel Society Biennial International Juried Exhibition, 5256 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA Mar 13-Apr 2016 The New Orleans Art Center "La Femme" group show, 3330 St. Claude Ave, New Orleans, LA Jan-May 2016 – Academy Galleries Faculty Show, 5256 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA
Sept-Oct 2015 – Academy Galleries Faculty Show, 5256 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA. Dec-Jan 2015 – Garden District Gallery, 1332 Washington Ave., NOLA. I'll have several drawings in the Winter exhibit.
Jan 11-Feb 15, 2014 – Happy New Year! I'll be a part of a group show at Academy Galleries, "New Year, New Work", 5256 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70115. Opening reception January 11th 6pm-8pm. Come join us ;-)
Nov 2-Dec 6, 2013 – I will have work in a group show at the Academy Galleries, 5256 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70115 Opening reception Nov 2nd, 6pm-8pm. I hope you can come ;-) Oct 5, 2013. 6pm-8pm – My drawing Atelier, The Blue Easel Club, will exhibit in connection with New Orleans' celebration of "Art for Art's Sake": 5937 Magazine Street, NOLA 70115. Live band "The Necessary Gentlemen", wine, munchies and extraordinary classical realist drawings! Come join us ;-) Sept 7, 6-8pm – I'll have 3 new works at the Faculty Show of the Academy Galleries, 5256 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70115 The show will be up all of September if you can't make the opening ;-) June 21, 6pm-8pm – Come to the opening for the Summer Showcase at the Garden District Gallery, 1332 Washington Ave., NOLA. Artwork will stay up thru the summer.